Episode 9 - Three Reasons to have a up-to-date LinkedIn profile can help your career

In this episode I share advice around how to restart our career after a career break. A theme that comes up with at least half of the women I speak to.

If you are thinking about restarting your career due to motherhood, redundancy, a sabbatical, illness or for other reasons this is definitely a great episode to help you move forward.

Remember you can also follow me on Instagram here https://www.instagram.com/the_careerhappinessmentor/

Or send me a connection request on LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/soma-ghosh-26086638/

If you haven’t already signed up to the fortnightly newsletter you can do so here https://thecareerhappinessmentor.us3.list-manage.com/subscribe?u=3cbb0dae04c3c14700da9770e&id=e2f25afd53

Also if you could leave us a review on apple podcasts or rating on this would be really appreciated. Enjoy the episode and wishing you all the career happiness you deserve.

Soma x


Episode 10 - How to talk about mental health in the workplace? (Interview with Leyla Okhai)


Episode 8 - Why branding and marketing are important if you want to start an online business? (Interview with Sharn Khaira)