Episode 59 - What is your definition of success

In this episode I talk about success and what it means to you. Especially if you are listening to this episode in 2020 and just before we go into our UK second lockdown.

If you are overthinking or feeling overwhelmed by the idea of success right now please go back and listen to the episode 54 where I interviewed Anna Lundberg.

I wanted to do this episode because success comes up a lot when I am working with clients and I look at some the challenges around this but also why success is journey that’s unique to all of us.

I also mentioned a study in the episode done by catalyst on the lack of women in Stem https://www.catalyst.org/research/women-in-science-technology-engineering-and-mathematics-stem/

If you are also interested in reading my interview where I was interviewed about women and the workplace please go to the link here https://www.asian-voice.com/News/UK/It%E2%80%99s-time-for-women-to-re-evaluate-their-career-options-in-a-man%E2%80%99s-world

If you are struggling with this right now and think you want my advice and support you can also apply for a free call if you want to find out more

Any questions or thoughts about this podcast please email me at soma@somaghosh.com


Episode 60 - Why we need to find work we love and figure out what it means to us.(Interview with Tom Morin)


Episode 58 - How to tackle career change and why we need to talk about it more(Interview with Roz Jackson)