Episode 161 - 3 reasons why LinkedIn isn’t helping to boost your career and what to do about it.

In this Episode we will talking about 3 reasons why LinkedIn isn't helping to boost your career and what to do about it. 

1. Why I wanted to record this episode 

2. Your profile and consistency on LinkedIn 

3. Building your personal brand on LinkedIn 

4.  Not utilising LinkedIn and it's full features e.g. Premium, Learning and applying for jobs etc. 

Instagram Live I did on LinkedIn and personal branding you can watch here - ⁠https://www.instagram.com/tv/CouuxooDajODaxSCvTxzJsM8uF9C0SkTCkoY-g0/ ⁠

Previous episodes about LinkedIn that could be useful to you 

Episode 9 - Three Reasons to have a up-to-date LinkedIn profile can help your career

Episode 30 - Why LinkedIn should be part of your job hunt. 

Episode 79 - Why it's important to build a personal brand for yourself in you career. 

How can you work with me 

I currently have 1 space for my career happiness program if you are interested in finding out more you can apply for a free 15 mintue call here   ⁠https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSexLiPahobn7yBFevH9EJozPghg2yIIcN3csh76HvCFzY77Qg/viewform.  ⁠ or you can find out more about how support women by visiting the following links ⁠https://www.somaghosh.com/women-in-employment ⁠ or⁠ https://www.somaghosh.com/career-happiness-program⁠

If you have any questions about the podcast or want to know more about my services please email me at soma@somaghosh.com or soma@thecareerhappinessmentor.com 


Episode 162 - What is a degree and how does it compare to an degree apprenticeship?


Episode 160 - How to cope with change in business and why it’s actually a good thing?