Episode 155 - 3 reasons why people give up on their business way to soon

In this episode I talk about 3 reasons why people give on their business way too soon. 

The main things I spoke about in this episode were: 

  • Why this is an important episode and some background around why this so common 

  • The three main reasons and some advice about how to tackle this 

  • Examples to demonstrate why these reasons mean people quit 

  • Final thoughts around this topic and quotes and a video to help motivate you 

Relevant episodes 

1. Episode 22 - Career Comparison and how to deal with this (Interview with Lucy Sheridan-Wightman) - https://spotifyanchor-web.app.link/e/jgzfxCqVwwb

2. Episode 130 - Business comparison, what is it and why do we need to stop doing it?  - https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/episode-130-business-comparison-what-is-it-and-why-do/id1450116167?i=1000566619255 

Links and resources I mentioned in the episode 

Business research by parliament - ⁠https://researchbriefings.files.parliament.uk/documents/SN06152/SN06152.pdf⁠

Video I mentioned a speech by Jordon Peterson - ⁠https://youtu.be/U80_D4ts_aE⁠

If you have any comments or questions about this episode you can email me at soma@thecareerhappinessmentor.com or soma@somghosh.com 


Episode 156 - How Yoga can help your career and life with Deepa Sapra


Episode 154 - Is having a career in Performing Arts realistic