Episode 141 - Why college is still an option that many are still not considering enough?

In this episode talk about college and why it's not considered enough as a option. 

The main things I spoke about in this episode were: 

  • Why I wanted to speak about this

  • Link about colleges that I mentioned - https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/further-education-colleges-in-the-uk 

  • Colleges are seen in a negative light why is this? 

  • Colleges I mentioned City and Islington, Westminster Kingsway 

  • Specialised colleges like Chapel Manor College 

  • Sixth form colleges vs further education college 

  • Why you should consider colleges 

  • Open days and visiting colleges 

Links you may find useful 

1. Why should you go to college - https://www.careerpilot.org.uk/information/further-education-at-16/eleven-reasons-to-choose-an-fe-college-course 

2. Btec vs Alevels episode - https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/episode-129-a-levels-vs-btecs-what-do-you-as-parent/id1450116167?i=1000565949448

3. London colleges list - https://www.london.gov.uk/sites/default/files/fe_and_sixth_form_admissions_information_-_july_2020_update.pdf 

Any questions about this episode please email me at soma@somaghosh.com 


Episode 142 -The Self Squashing Prophecy and how to combat this with Trisha Lewis


Episode 140- How deal with The Great Resignation and Burnout Culture with Sara J. McElroy