Episode 138 - Does social media have a role to play in how young people look at careers?

In this Episode I talk about social media and how it's affect young people's career ideas. 

The main things I talk about in this episode were: 

1. Why I choose to talk about this topic 

2. Misconceptions about careers on social media 

3. Is social media having an impact on how young people view careers 

4. Using social media in a positive way to help their careers 

Video and energy crisis Tik Tok video  - https://www.tiktok.com/@somag25/video/7136938311637142790?is_from_webapp=v1&item_id=7136938311637142790&web_id=6930929312897402374 


Episode 139 - What can The Movie All about Eve teach us about female relationships and workplace culture today?


Episode 137 - Why Cliques in business can ruin your own business