Episode 132 - How can an apprenticeship help a young person’s career?

This is an episode for parents of teenagers and I talk about how an apprenticeship can help your career?

Previous episodes I mentioned in this episode tare with Susan Smith and Kathryn Monkcom

The main things I covered in this particular episode:

  • Why are apprenticeships becoming more popular

  • What are the kind of skills that you learn from an apprenticeship that can help move your career forward

  • How earning money sooner plays into their future career

  • Can an apprenticeship make a young person more employable?

  • Apprenticeships may help a young people go out of their comfort zone

Other episodes you may useful:

Episode 97 should I go to university or not? - https://open.spotify.com/episode/0RIxSOemFO3Tjxo4ctWnf7

Useful articles



Case study 1 on my website put link here - https://www.somaghosh.com/parents-of-teenagers (scroll down to see case study 1 on this page which I refer to in this episode and how it relates to apprenticeships)

If you have any questions about this podcast please email me at soma@somaghosh.com


Episode 133 - Are you being realistic about where your business is right now?


Episode 131 - 3 tips to be healthier in your career