Do you fear what others will think of you if you quit your job?

A women I spoke to once told me she didn't want to quit her job because she felt others would judge her. I asked her why this would be such a problem for her and she said that what others thought meant a lot to her. I then went on to ask her "Are you happy where you work". Her consistent answer was always "NO" So if this is the case why are you still there!! Do you let others dictate your future for you. This women certainly was and as a result was allowing her own happiness to be on the back burner. The people we surround ourselves with are very important. Robin Sharma says "Choose your influences well". If your friends and family don't support your decision to quit and persuade you to say in a job where you are unhappy ask yourself who is suffering more you or them.

Tips on what to what if you are considering quitting

I would advocate you take up some of the following tips:

1. Avoid listening to all such statement such as "If you don't work where will the money come from" or" Are you sure its kind of unrealistic to quit if you haven’t got a job lined up etc.

2. If people don't support you give them ultimatums or ignore them for a while.

3. Stand firm on your decisions about your career and life. Don't allow your family or friends to talk you into a life you don't want. If you know its not for you just quit sooner rather then later.

4. Type up your resignation letter. This may seem a scary but it makes it more real especially if you have been putting it off.

I would say whatever decision you make sure its yours and yours alone. I don't advocate quitting but if you know you can't take it anymore then do it. Remain positive about your future and dreams and go for what you want. It’s not the right decision for everyone but make sure you don’t others opinions stop you if you are really unhappy.

Other resources and posts to help support you quit your job

1.If you are wondering about quitting please also take some time to read this blog post about if you can’t currently quit because of financial commitments.

2. You can listen to this podcast episode about if you are in a work in toxic workplace and you want a new job but feel trapped by your current situation.

This post was also republished in thrive global see link here



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