3 reasons why rejection can help you find your dream career.

Rejection is something we all face in life and even if we may not want to admit it. It can either make you or break you as they say. I see many of the women I work with give up when their job hunt isn’t going how they want it to.

I always like to challenge anyone I meet on this because it should drive you more than stop you. There are many professions like music, art and acting etc where it’s actually part and parcel of their profession. It empowers them to keep going and if you are letting it stop you, I want to share that this part of your journey. Remember everything happens to teach us and although at the time it may not feel like it can help you.

So, in this blog post I share 3 reasons why rejection can help you find your dream career.

1.       Resilience

2.       Focus

3.       What did you learn from it?


Resilience is going to help you find your dream career is whether you're looking to change your career or find a new job. You're going to face challenges and challenges are a part of life. We can't run away from the fact that challenges are there to help us and make us stronger. Resilience is the key thing that all of us must learn. Perhaps you're going for rounds of interviews, and things are just not panning out. I’ve spoken to a lot of women who sometimes when they've been going through the job-hunting process, they've got sick, and yet, it's their dream job. They keep applying, get sick, or something happens in their personal life. The external circumstances can also affect the situation. So it’s important to not take things personally because this helps build your own resilience.

The problem is that if you're doing something, and there is some negative energy there, or and you're doing it with this idea of I'm going to fail anyway, but I need to do it, you're not going to end up with the result you want. Resilience is a key lesson and a key reason why the rejection can help you find your dream job. If you haven't already built up that resilience already, when you're getting rejected for job offers. Or if you know you're thinking about career change, and that requires a professional exam or another qualification, and perhaps it's not panned out. Perhaps you should be asking yourself how resilience can help you keep coming back stronger.


I had a client who was applying for lots of jobs. What was happening is she wasn't getting anywhere with those jobs. She took a break from job hunting and she went back at a later stage and then landed her dream job. This break helped her really focus on the fact that, she wanted to learn more, study more and wanted more responsibilities. That time was a reflective time for her. It helped her focus on what she really wanted. Without getting stuck in a rejection cycle as I like to call it.  

In the same way when we're being rejected, it's very important that we not let the rejection completely hinder our entire process. It helps you focus on what you want, at the time, it may not feel like it. If you're constantly repeating the same patterns, and you're in this bubble of new job, new job, new job, because your current job is horrible. It stops the rejection filtering in and not allows you stay fixated on what you really want.

What did you learn from it?

So many people don't understand the lessons that they learn every time they're getting rejected from a potential work, or career opportunity. I'm not just talking about rejection when job hunting, I'm talking about maybe rejection within your organisation that perhaps you didn’t lead on a project. Rejection, perhaps in terms of feeling as though you're not part of your team and the workplace rejection in terms of being made redundant?  What did you learn from it? What was the major lesson, sometimes this takes time to reflect on and you can't always see the lessons learned?

Many people get excluded from things in the workplace. That can drive a lot of people to feel like, you know, am I really part of the company had and what am I still doing here? They're asking me to do all this work, but they don't appreciate me. Do you need to look elsewhere?

They're asking for my support all the time, and I'm working all these long hours. Yet I'm not being included in important discussions. What does that say about their respect for me? What can I learn from this, in order to help me make sure that this doesn't happen in my new job or my new career? This is something that you tap into more can by journaling.

Moving forward

There could be some practical and logical reasons for the rejection, like your CV or your LinkedIn profile and interaction. Or perhaps what you're doing in your interview. Or that you seem too confident. Whatever this may be remember to not let the no’s or the mishaps in your journey stop you to keep going.

Podcast episode

In season 5 episode 164 of the podcast I talk about career rejection

The main things I talk about in that episode that could help you are looking I look at career rejection and resilience why it’s holding you back plus 2 tips to help you with rejection.

You can listen to the full episode here - https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/episode-164-career-rejection-and-how-to-cope-with-this/id1450116167?i=1000604664045

I really hope that these tips help and if you would like to know more about how I can help you please visit women in empolyment page here or email me at soma@thecareerhappinessmentor.com


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